Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Social Media Research

Chase &Status
To find out what type of audiences we will be targeting our music video at I researched into the social media aspects of the of the music we are using. I did this by looking at social media accounts of the band chase and status who performed the song ‘Alive’.

Twitter accounts:

44 following- the majority of the accounts the band are following are also fellow electronic DJ accounts, for exampe 'Avici'. Following their competition to keep up to date.

328.8K followers- these followers are mixed ages, majority 18-25 both male and female this suggestest that this is their target audience.

They have mainly English/American followers, hoever also have european followers from germany and poland. This suggests where their music is most popular, England and America.



1M likes- this suggests that they are very popular with the public.

London uk (based) conveying the language they speak and also showing the target audience of mainly English speaking countries.



17K followers- shows the audience are interested in following and looking at images and videos of them touring and keeping up to date with their music.

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